Wardrobe Check- Finding simplicity in your style

Personal Shopper moodboard nov 1

It took me many years to feel confident about my “simple and classic” style. Working in fashion, there is this pressure of having to look “overly” trendy and as unique and eccentric as possible. But that was never me and its not for most women. I know many women are looking for this simplicity, this french effortless styling, and my whole goal is to show them how it can be done.

And the best way to start, is by doing a wardrobe check.

I will help you go through your whole wardrobe and analyze all the pieces you own (possibly donate a few!) In no time I will create lovely new combinations and outfits with the clothes you already own for your work or leisure time. With simple and easy tips, tricks & tweaks, we’ll transform a simple look into a fabulous one. Together we’ll define your own personal effortless style! And finally we will write down a shopping list of the pieces that are missing and that can be styled cohesively and worn season after season. We want to create a long lasting and sustainable wardrobe.

Voila! This is also a wonderful gift for your partner or anyone who needs a boost of confidence. yours, #theclotheslady